Thursday, January 4, 2024

Searchable List of Posts in ALPHBETICAL ORDER

If you are looking for a Specific Scripture go HERE for a Link to Search by Scripture.

Our "Subject Index" is different than our "Search by Post," which zeros in on the Title of the Post. A Post may cover a number of "Subjects" which may not appear in the "Post Title."

Our "Subject Index" is HERE.

A                            A                            A

1914--The Generation That Will Not Pass Away

A Jehovah in Heaven--A Jehovah on Earth--What's Up With That?

A Prophet Was NOT Among Them! Part 1

A Prophet Was NOT Among Them! Part 2

A Prophet Was NOT Among Them! Part 3

A Prophet Was NOT Among Them! Part 4

A Prophet Was NOT Among Them! Part 5

A Prophet Was NOT Among Them! Part 6


AC/DC's "Highway to Hell!"

An Ancient Manuscript Supports God's Name--A WT Video

Angels or Demons in Disguise?

Answers for Atheists--Part 1

Answers for Athesists--Part 2

Are You a Sincere Searcher for Eternal, Life-giving Truth?

At Brooklyn HQ the WT proudly displays the Telly it won--or did they buy it. You decide!

B                            B                            B

Bait & Switch, Why & How the WT Uses It!

Bait & Switch: WT Method of Bible Study!

Become a JW in 4 Easy Steps

Between the Lines (A Story). John 8:1-11

Bible Study Tools at

BOMBSHELL! The Reason the WT's KIT is Out of Print! Part 1

Bombshell! The Reason the WT's KIT is out of Print! Part 2

                          C                            C

Choose You This Day--Kingdom of God According to the WT OR The Bible

Christmas Letter 2018

Christmas Letter 2023

Christmas Letter--2020.


Christ's Memorial. Take eat, drink NONE of you. Part 1

Christ's Memorial. Take eat, drink NONE of you. Part 2

Christ's Memorial--Free Public Event

Closer Look at Positive Comments about the NWT.

Comma, Comma, where does the Comma go? Part 1

Comma, Comma, where does the Comma go? Part 2


CRAIG'S LIST #1 OF 10--You are Bragging!

CRAIG'S LIST #2 OF 10--Did Jesus Pray to Himself?

CRAIG'S LIST #3 OF 10--Any Religion is as Good as Another!

CRAIG'S LIST #4 OF 10. Why is there Evil/Suffering in the World?

CRAIG'S LIST #5 OF 10--Have JW's Changed their Bible to Fit their Beliefs?

CRAIG'S LIST #6 OF 10--David Atwell's Book, "Caesar's Jesus"?

CRAIG'S LIST #7 OF 10--If God is Love Why Does He Send Some to Hell?

CRAIG'S LIST #8 OF 10--Is Jesus God?

CRAIG'S LIST #9 OF 10--Are All Interpretations of Scripture Equally Valid?

CRAIG'S LIST #10 OF 10--Stop Imposing Your Stupid Beliefs!

Crisis of Conscience--Exposing the WT's Inner Workings!

D                            D                            D

Did Jesus die on a Cross or Torture Stake? Part 1

Did Jesus die on a Cross or Torture Stake? Part 2

Did the TV show 'Jeopardy' endorse the JW Bible?

Do all religions point to the same God?

Do Jehovah's Witnesses Have Their Own Bible?

Does God Hate Organized Religion?

 Does the WT follow the teachings of CT Russell on Bible Studies? Part 1

Does the WT follow the teachings of CT Russell on Bible Studies? Part 2

Does this Blog Photoshop WT docs. & Alter them. ABSOLUTELY NOT!

E                            E                            E

Earthly Hope or Heavenly Hope Part 1-The 144,000

Earthly Hope' or 'Heavenly Hope' Part 2-The Little Flock

Earthly Hope' or 'Heavenly Hope' Part 3-Before the Throne

Exception to the Rule!

F                             F                            F

From JW to Wicca!

G                            G                            G

God's Glory--Jesus' Glory--The Same?--Different?    

Good News from God! Not the Watchtower! Part 1

Good News from God! Not the Watchtower! Part 2

Good News from God! Not the Watchtower! Part 3

Good News from God! Not the Watchtower! Part 4

Good News from God! Not the Watchtower! Part 5

Gospel Quiz for Jehovah's Witnesses 5 Questions

Gospel of the Bible is Not the Watch Tower's Gospel

Gospel According to "Aid to Bible Understanding"

Gospel of the Bible Explained!

Gospel of the Watchtower Explained!

Guiding Principle of The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society

Große Lüge! i.e. The Big Lie!


H                            H                            H

H I J A C K E D !

Harvard Divinity School—Go In a Christian, Come Out an Unbeliever!


Have JW's Changed the Bible to Support their Beliefs? Part 1

Have JW's Changed the Bible to Support their Beliefs? Part 2

Have JW's Changed the Bible to Support their Beliefs? Part 3

Have JW's Changed the Bible to Support their Beliefs? Part 4


Holy Spirit. What the WT Teaches--What the Bible Teaches?????

How Deep the Father's Love for Us


How does someone become a JW? Part 1

How does someone become a JW? Part 2


How does the Arian Heresy relate to the JW's view of Jesus?

How the WT Uses a Straw Man Fallacy to Malign the Trinity

Human Soul!

 I                           i                            i

I Had More Questions Than Answers! A WT Video


Is God's Name Jehovah? Part 1

Is God's Name Jehovah? Part 2

Is God's Name Jehovah? Part 3

Is God's Name Jehovah? Part 4


Is Jesus Jehovah?

Is Jesus Michael the Archangel?

Is the JW Bible (The New World Translation) Reliable?

Is the New World Translation Accurate?

Is the Watch Tower a HUCKSTER of the Word of God?


Is the word/concept Trinity found in the Bible? Part 1

Is the word/concept Trinity found in the Bible? Part 2


Is the WT a False Prophet? What is the evidence? Part 1

Is the WT a False Prophet? More evidence. Part 2

Is the WT a False Prophet? What does the WT say? Part 3



Is Watchtower doctrine Christian? Part 1--Jesus is God and man!

Is Watchtower doctrine Christian? Part 2--Salvation by Grace!

Is Watchtower doctrine Christian? Part 3--The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ!

Is Watchtower doctrine Christian? Part 4--Monotheism

Is Watchtower doctrine Christian? Part 5--The Trinity!


Is Your Religion the True One?

I've left the JW's. Where do I go? Part 1-Why JW's ask the question?

I've left the JW's. Where do I go? Part 2-The Answer!


J                            J                            J

Jehovah’s Witnesses—"Faith in Action, Part 1: Out of Darkness." A 1 Hour+ Video.

Jehovah’s Witnesses—"Faith in Action, Part 2: Let the Light Shine." A WT 43' Video.

Jeopardy Endorse the JW Bible, Did they???  Updated 1-1-2013?

Jeopardy Endorse the JW Bible, Did they??? Update 2-1-2015

Jeopardy Endorse The JW Bible, Did they??? Update 4-20-2020

Jeopardy FINAL WORD! Is the JW Bible the World's Most Accurate? Update 1-1-2024? 

Did Jeopardy Endorse The JW Bible? This is the YouTube Version.

Jesus of the WT vs Jesus of the Bible!

Just When You Thought It Couldn't Get Any Worse!


JW.ORG's Online Bible Study Lesson 1.1 & 1.2 Can the Bible Help You? and Who is God?

JW.ORG's Online Bible Study Lesson 2.1 Who is Jesus?

JW.ORG's Online Bible Study Lesson 2.1 Who is Jesus? Want More on the Subject?

JW.ORG's Online Bible Study Lesson 2.2 Who are the Angels?

JW.ORG's Online Bible Study Lesson 2.3 Why did God Create Humans?

JW.ORG's Online Bible Study Lesson 3.1 Why do Suffering and Evil Exist?

JW.ORG's Online Bible Study Lesson 3.2 & 3.3 How Does God Save Us From Death? and How Will God End Suffering and Evil?


JW’s and Blood Transfusions? Part 1

JW's and Blood Transfusions--Part 2 The Verses they Twist.

JW's ARE Ordained by God!

JW's believe God is the Author of the Watchtower

JW's can/cannot take your Tracts!?

K                            K                            K

Knock! Knock! #1 JW's at the Door

Knock! Knock! #2 JW's at the Door

Knock! Knock! #3 JW's at the Door

L                            L                               L

Lies are from the pit! The WT lies! Therefore . . .

M                            M                            M

Major in Minors! Part 1

Major in Minors! Part 2

Memorial of Jesus’ Death—Is the WT Celebration Biblical?

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall . . .


Multiple-Choice Question for JW's. Part 1-The Question

Multiple-Choice Question for JW's. Part 2-The Answer!

Multiple-Choice Question for JW's. Part 3-My Response.


My Glory Story!

My Name has been Written Down AND Crossed Out!

My wife's testimony! Out of the WT and into the arms of Jesus.


N                            N                            N

Name Above All Names--Jehovah or Jesus?

No One is Interested in What You Have to Say!!

O                            O                            O

O Holy Night!

'Old Light' & 'New Light'--What do they mean?

One + One = Seven

Our Family Christmas Letter--2012

Our Family Christmas Letter--2013

Our Family Christmas Letter--2016

Our Family Christmas Letter--2017

Our Prayer for this Blog.

P                            P                            P

P I C K.....I T.....U P !

Pesky Bible verses that contradict WT doctrine. Part 1

Pesky Bible verses that contradict WT doctrine. Part 2

Pesky Bible Verses that Contradict WT Doctrine. Part 3


Ping Pong Watchtower Style


Presto Change-0! Part 1

Presto Change-O! Part 2

Presto Change-O! Part 3

Presto Change-O! Part 4

Presto Change-O! Part 5

Presto Change-O! Part 6

Presto Change-O! Part 7

Presto Change-O! Part 8


Proud to be an American

Psychological Techniques Used by the JW's to Recruit New Members

Q                            Q                            Q

Question JW's cannot answer.

R                            R                            R

Reverse Engineering & the Watch Tower Bible.

S                            S                            S

Scientology--You are about to enter the TWILIGHT ZONE!

Search a WT-Music Video and my Critique.

Searching for Truth--According to (1) The WT OR (2) The Bible??

Seven (7) Signs the WT is a Cult.

Seven More Signs the Watchtower is a Cult!

Seventh Day Adventism--The White Lie

Soul, Human!

Stay Alive til 75!!

Stop JW's Coming to Your Door!

T                            T                            T

Ten (10) Linguistic Tricks the WT Uses to Deceive & Manipulate You!

The Arrogance of their Heart has Deceived the WT. Part 1

The Arrogance of their Heart has Deceived the WT. Part 2

The Arrogance of their Heart has Deceived the WT. Part 3

Trinity, What it IS and IS NOT.

Trinity Revealed in God, Resurrection, Prayer, Creation, Redemption

Trinity affirmed in the Resurrection! Who raised Jesus!

True Confessions of a Bethelite!

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus


Twisted Scriptures and other Shenanigans! Part 1

Twisted Scriptures and other Shenanigans! Part 2

Twisted Scriptures and other Shenanigans! Part 3

Twisted Scriptures and other Shenanigans! Part 4

Twisted Scriptures and other Shenanigans! Part 5

Twisted Scriptures and other Shenanigans--Part 6

U                            U                            U

Use Their Own Bible Against Them!

W                            W                          W

Watch Tower's 10+ Commandments

Watchtower/Walmart Connection!

WT does not teach an Eternal Hell--Does the Bible?

WT Strikes Out!

WT Whiffs Again!

WT Whiffs!

WT's Favorite Verse Turned UPSIDE DOWN!

WT's trump card TRUMPED!

To Me or not to ME!

Was Charles Taze Russell the founder of the JW's? Part 1

Was Charles Taze Russell the founder of the JW's? Part 2

Jesus Married? Was He???


Watch Tower Essential Doctrines Not Based on the Bible

Watch Tower Verbal Slight of Hand!

Watch Tower you got some Splainin' to do!


What Can the False Prophet Teach Us? Part 1

What Can the False Prophet Teach Us? Part 2

What Can the False Prophet Teach Us? Part 3

What Can the False Prophet Teach Us? Part 4


What can we learn from the JW's? Part 1

What can we learn from the JW's? Part 2


What Character Flaw Do ALL JW's Have In Common?

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap. 1 "What is the truth about God"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap. 2 & 3 "What is God's purpose for the Earth"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap. 4 Part 1 "Who is Jesus Christ"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap. 4 Part 2 "Who is Jesus Christ"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap. 5 "The Ransom--God's Greatest Gift"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap. 6 "Where are the Dead"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap. 7 Part 1 "Real hope for your loved ones who have Died"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap. 7 Part 2 "Real hope for your loved ones who have Died"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap 8 Part 1 "What is God's Kingdom"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap 8 Part 2 "What is God's Kingdom"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap 8 Part 3 "What is God's Kingdom"

What does the Bible Really Teach? "A WT Book--Chap. 9 "Are we living in the last Days"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap. 10 Part 1 "Spirit Creatures--How they Affect Us"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap. 10 Part 2 "Spirit Creatures--How they Affect Us"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap 11 & 12 Part 1 "What God Hates--Altering Scripture"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap 11 & 12 Part 2 "What God Hates--Altering Scripture"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap 13 Part 1 "Blood Transfusions"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap 13 Part 2 "Blood Transfusions"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap 14-15 Part 1 "The WT's Low Opinion of Scripture and High Opinion of their Own Writings"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap 14-15 Part 2 "The WT's Low Opinion of Scripture and High Opinion of their Own Writings"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap 14-15 Part 3 "The Importance of Context"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap 16 "Holidays & Birthdays"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap 17 "Praying to Jesus--What does the Bible Say?"

What does the Bible Really Teach? A WT Book--Chap 18-19 "Taking in Knowledge"--What does it Mean?

What does the Bible Really Teach? The Appendix

What Happens at a Bible Study? A WT Video.

What holidays are JW's not allowed to attend?

What is a Watch Tower Slave!


What is it like to marry a Jehovah's Witness? Part 1

What is it like to marry a Jehovah's Witness? Part 2

What is it like to marry a Jehovah's Witness? Part 3

What is it like to marry a Jehovah's Witness? Part 4


What is LEFT OUT is just as important as what is PUT IN!


What is wrong with studying the Bible the WT way? Part 1

What is wrong with studying the Bible the WT way? Part 2

What is wrong with studying the Bible the WT way? Part 3


What the Fashionable JW is Now Wearing!

When a Jehovah's Witness comes A-Knocking.

When Organized Religion Goes Bad!

Whom do you Believe--God or Man? Take Our Quiz to Find Your Answer!


Why are JW's not allowed to celebrate b'days and other holidays? Part 1

Why are JW's not allowed to celebrate b'days and other holidays? Part 2

Why are JW's not allowed to celebrate b'days and other holidays? Part 3


Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Go Door-to-Door?

Why do you see JWs studying their WT magazines & rarely the Bible?

Why do you see JW's Studying their WT magazines & rarely the Bible? Revisited


Why it is Wise to Examine Your Religion!

Why JWs Distance Themselves from non-JWs.


Why JW's Study WT Publications and not the Bible. Part 1

Why JW's Study WT Publications and not the Bible. Part 2


Why the WT Deleted 75% of the Content of the "Kingdom Interlinear Bible" at JW.ORG

Why the WT is not Christian!

WT Rule for Bible Interpretation Ignored by the WT!

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