Sunday, December 1, 2013

Our family Christmas Letter--2013

May this Christmas end the present year on a cheerful note and make way for a fresh and bright New Year. Here’s wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Each year our family, along with Christmas cards, sends out a newsletter, part of which is a Gospel presentation. As in the past, I decided to post the Gospel part of our newsletter. 

We hold dearly to our annual traditions that make Christmas what it is and that in itself can be a good thing. But do we go far enough in appreciating the real “reason for the season?”

When we gather around the Christmas dinner table with saved and/or unsaved family and friends, does the real reason of WHY God came to earth in human form ever come up in conversation? What is the real reason anyway?

There is a familiar phrase that we see and hear around this time of year displaying an attempt by well-meaning religious and non-religious traditionalists to keep “Christ” in Christmas, fighting against the commercialization and the ‘political correctness run amuck’ regarding the “happy holidays.”

The popular phrase proclaims: “Jesus is the reason for the season.”

True enough. But by making a small change we can see that the new phrase exposes a deeper truth. It goes one step further in pointing the finger at you and me.

This new phrase proclaims: “Saving us from our sin is the reason for the season.”

Think about it: Had it not been for our sin and rebellion against God in the first place, there would have been no reason for God to provide a sacrificial Lamb, in the person of His Son, Jesus, for our salvation. There would have been no need for Jesus to come to earth to suffer and die for sinners, in their place, to open up the gates of Heaven for all who repent and believe the gospel.

God’s holy word says that Jesus was born to die for “sinners” and the “ungodly” . . .Did Jesus die for YOU?

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

If you are outside of God’s grace and mercy through His one and only provision for your salvation, I pray that He would do a work in your heart to see that you are a sinner in need of a Savior and cause you to repent and believe in the gospel, that the Lord would once and for all do away with your sins—the real reason for the season.

The Lord bless thee, and keep thee, may the Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee, may The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

Christmas letter 2016 is here.

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