Friday, March 31, 2017

Scientology--You are about to enter the TWILIGHT ZONE!

Over the years of writing this blog, I have received comments from people who were once JW's but are now following the teachings of a non-Christian religion or no religion at all. One came from someone heavily into Scientology. With other religions, I have written about the religion's tenets compared to the Bible, failed prophecies, changing God's word, etc. However, with Scientology I am going to take a different tact. "In the beginning" beliefs (about Xenu and Thetans) of Scientology, upon which the entire system rests, are so unbelievable that merely reading them OUT LOUD, should be evidence enough that this system is false at its core. As you read this blog, you will see that it resembles a poor science fiction novel.


                           If You Don't Believe in Xenu and Thetans
                                      It All Comes Crashing Down

L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, stated: “You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion,” in response to a question from the audience during a meeting of the Eastern Science Fiction Association on 7 November 1948, as quoted in a 1994 affidavit by Sam Moskowitz.

The above quote and many similar ones can be found here.

This is what Scientology believes from their document: Operating Thetan III (OT III).

Proceed with Caution

According to Scientology, the following knowledge is so powerful and dangerous, as noted on "Ron's Journal 67" cassette, that anyone learning this material, before he is ready could die. My son and I have known this information for years with no ill effects.
According to Scientology founder, L. Ron Hubbard, Xenu was the dictator of the overpopulated "Galactic Confederacy," who 75 million years ago brought billions of his people to Earth (then known as "Teegeeack") in DC-8 like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes, and killed them with hydrogen bombs. Their souls (called Thetans by Scientologists),* however, lived on and floated up. Xenu didn’t want their souls (Thetans) to return so he constructed soul (Thetan) catchers in the sky. The souls (Thetans) were taken to a huge soul (Thetan) brain washing facility which Xenu had also built on earth. The souls (Thetans) were forced to watch days of brain washing material which tricked them into believing a false reality. Xenu then released the alien souls (Thetans) which roamed earth aimlessly in a fog of confusion. At the dawn of man, the souls (Thetans) finally got bodies that they could grab onto. They attached themselves to all mankind and to this day this causes all our fears, confusion and problems. Scientology will help you overcome these fears, etc.-----for a price.
*a soul in Scientology is also called “A Body Thetan” or a BT, which is a disincarnate soul (free of or freed from the demands of the body ie disembodied). A Thetan is "stuck" in, on or near a human body, and all human bodies are said to be infested by these disembodied Thetans, or clusters of them. Body Thetans and how they came about were described by L. Ron Hubbard in a confidential auditing level called OT III. High-level Scientologists are told that Body Thetans are responsible for physical and mental ailments, and are told to telepathically exorcise them using Scientology auditing processes.

If you still believe in the tenants of Scientology--MEET YOUR LEADER.

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