Sunday, May 1, 2022

What Happens at a WT Bible Study? A video at JW.ORG.

I found this video at JW.ORG, which is here, and decided to watch and comment on its contents. The video is 2' and 10" long. It starts with a shot of The New World Translation being picked up and the voice states, "the Bible is the world's most popular book." You then watch several scenes of door-knockers at doors or in homes supposedly studying the world's most popular book.

At 29" the video makes this claim, "You will not be taught religious traditions, only what the Bible teaches." Here I have blogged about the WT's efforts to hide the influence their religious traditions have on their translation of Holy Scripture, The New World Translation .

At 36" the video declares, "the Bible study is free and there is no charge for the Bible or Bible study publications you will use." Many will feel that the WTBTS is being generous and is more interested in getting out the truth than money. I have blogged here about the WT's less than philanthropic motives.

At this point in the video you see "Bible" studies being held in various locations: in homes, at work, on a patio and in a park.

At 43" you are treated to a not so subtle image of a typical WT home Bible study. As the camera pans across the scene, you see a close-up of a CLOSED Bible and the WT study material used appears to be Good News from God, a WT publicationI have blogged in depth (5 parts) about this WT publication. Part 1 is here.

At 57" the scene switches to a kitchen and the study participants are all studying a WT publication, What Does the Bible Really Teach? I have blogged in depth (25 blogs) about this WT  publication. The first blog is here.

At 1'9" we see a patio scene and all the students studying are reading from a WT pamphlet previously mentioned--Good News From God! 

At 1'20" the video moves to a street scene and the people are using a WT publication previously mentioned--What does the Bible Really Teach? 

At 1'30" two men are studying in a kitchen using the previously mentioned--What Does the Bible Really Teach? 

The rest of the video is the WT showing the viewer how to request a free home Bible study. I have blogged about WT style Bible studies here and here and What is Wrong with WT Bible studies here, here and here.

In Conclusion. The WT, in making this video, has used a WT technique known as "Theocratic War Strategy." I have blogged about this "Strategy" here. To a non-JW it would simply be called lying. They lie when they state that, "you will not be taught religious traditions, only what the Bible teaches." 

When the translators of the WT Bible run up against a verse that is contrary to their doctrine, they alter their Bible to go along with their doctrine instead of altering their doctrine to be true to the Bible. See my eight part series, "Presto Change-O", Part 1 is here.

The unsuspecting home owner, who agrees to a WT Bible study, feels that the nicely dressed people at his front door would never knowingly lie to him, however, the organization they represent has no such inhibition. Their doctrine dictates how they translate the Bible as I have previously stated. The home owner, who agreed to a Bible study, failed to notice that when the door knockers arrived for the first Bible study they pulled out a WT publication that they would be studying from cover to cover and the Bible would be used as a reference book. 

If you look at a WT publication designed to be used in a home Bible study, you will see that the Bible is rarely used. For example in What Does the Bible Really Teach! Chapter 1, which starts on page 8, has no Bible references to read; the next page, two Bible verses to read, 1 in Matthew and 1 in Proverbs, the next page has 1 in James, 1 in Proverbs and 1 in Luke. And so goes the "Bible study"--reading WT doctrine and jumping around the Bible like a Knight on a chess board. When the home owner is finished with the "Bible study," they are experts on WT doctrine but know very little about Biblical doctrine. They are well on their way  to becoming members of an organization, the WTBTS, that is not Christian because their basic doctrines deny truths that must be part of any Christian church. See my blog on Why the WT is not Christian here.

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