Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Jehovah’s Witnesses—"Faith in Action, Part 1: Out of Darkness." A 1 Hour+ Video.

Over one (1) hour in length, this video traces the beginnings of Jehovah’s Witness thought and doctrine up to the reign of the 2nd President, Judge Rutherford.

I won’t be commenting on every minute of this video, that would take an encyclopedia of rebuttal information but I will pick out some of the more glaring errors in WT doctrine and their False Prophecies that they now deny were ever uttered.

At the 6:0 mark the video mentions that reformers like Luther and Calvin were pointing out that the church had gone astray and needed to return to its original beginnings. The WT has returned  to the original teachings of Arias. Learn what Arias taught here.

At the 8:6 mark the video centers on Henry Grew, who advanced the idea that “scripture should interpret scripture.” We are led to believe that this is a novel idea and one that is practiced at the present time by the Jehovah’s Witnesses. However, such is not the case. Drew, in later years, used the Bible to refute (1) the Doctrine of the Trinity, (2) Hell Fire and (3) Immortality of the Soul. Present day JW’s also refute these doctrines but I have pointed out their errors in Bible interpretation: Trinity here, Hell Fire here, Soul here.

At 9:35, George Stores believed “that the soul that sinneth it shall die.” Again, the WT promoting their incorrect doctrine that “man does not have an immortal soul.” Why this WT doctrine is incorrect Biblically here.

At 14:45 C.T. Russell “cannot reconcile eternal punishment with a loving God.” Why this WT doctrine is incorrect Biblically here.

At 17:20, C.T. Russell states the word Trinity does not appear anywhere in the Bible. Why this WT doctrine is incorrect Biblically here.

At 18:18 C.T. Russell concludes man does not have a soul but is a soul and can die. Why this WT doctrine is incorrect Biblically here.

At 18:25, the WT puts up a Strawman argument concerning the Trinity. The WT states, “that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one person.” Why this WT doctrine is incorrect Biblically here.

At 19:38 C.T. Russell never said he was divinely inspired. What the WT forgot to mention is that they said he was here.

At 24:32 C.T. Russell publishes “Zions Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence."

At 26:20 JW’s do not collect donations—all giving is voluntary. What is not said is that for a JW to be spiritual and in good standing they are pressured to purchase all WT publications, even those they give away in the door-to-door work. This keeps money flowing into JW coffers quite handsomely. For more information on this topic go here.

At 27:45 C.T. Russell writes the six (6) volume set, “Studies in Scriptures." What the WT claims about these volumes—"read them and not the Bible and you will walk in the truth. Read the Bible and not the Studies and you will be in error." Go here for more information on this subject.

At 30:35. “Our work was not to be confrontational but was to draw attention to the message. Confrontation came cause we are there—we were doing the work. But the idea was to draw attention to the message from the Bible.”

At 37:50. WT HQ's are moved from Pittsburgh to New York.

At 36:55 the WT produces and eight (8) hour presentation to show God’s purpose from the Beginning of Creation to the Millennial Reign of Christ.”

At 40:15. 1914 is a Marked Year. Sit back, I will be spending some time on this 1914 date because the WT (i.e. C.T. Russell) prophesied a number of events that DID NOT TAKE PLACE. The WT proclaimed in 1972 that the WT including the International Bible Students (name of JW’s when they were first organized) were a prophet of God, proclaiming events to come. I blogged about this here.

First. You see a Time Line that starts in 607 BC, to 33 AD to 1914. In WT timing, to get to 1914 the WT must start with 607 BC, which they state is the correct date for the destruction of Jerusalem. Go here for information on 587 BC as the actual date for the destruction of Jerusalem. Archaeology has vindicated the Bible thousands of time—why would it be wrong on the 587 date and the WT right.

Second, Prophecy of 1878 (I blogged about this Prophecy in detail here). C.T. Russell predicted that “the gathering of the “little flock” (the 144,000) had begun in 1874 and would extend to 1878. At which time the gathered saints would change into spirit form. THIS DID NOT HAPPEN. C.T. Russell is a False Prophet.

That year would also bring the beginning of God’s kingdom exercising control over the earth. THIS DID NOT HAPPEN. C.T. Russell is a False Prophet.

When none of the above occurred, Russell stated, “we naturally and not unreasonably expected some change of our condition, and all were more or less disappointed when nothing supernatural occurred.” ("Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence," Zion's Watch Tower, Feb. 1881, page 4.) C.T. Russell has just admitted that his predictions failed to come to pass. C.T. Russell is a False Prophet.

Third. Prophecy of 1914—The Destruction of Christendom and the End of Human Rulership. I blogged about this Prophecy in detail here.

Russell wrote a series of books, "Studies in Scriptures." In that series he specifically predicted that October 1914 would be the "full end of the times of the Gentiles" and thus the "farthest limit of  the rule of imperfect men." (The Time is At Hand. Studies in the Scriptures. 2. Allegheny, PA: Tower Publishing Co. pages 76, 77). THIS DID NOT HAPPEN. C.T. Russell is a False Prophet.

Russell further stated that it as "an established truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God, will be accomplished at the end of A.D. 1914." (The Time is at Hand. Studies in Scriptures. 2 Allegheny, PA. Tower Publishing Co. page 99.) THIS DID NOT HAPPEN. C.T. Russell is a False Prophet.

Russell also wrote that 1914 would see the destruction of "what God calls Babylon, and what men call Christendom."  (Thy Kingdom Come.  Studies in Scriptures. 3 Allegheny, PA. Tower Publishing Co. pages 153.) THIS DID NOT HAPPEN. C.T. Russell is a False Prophet.

How sure was the WT about C.T. Russell’s prophecies, "We see no reason for changing the figures—nor could we change them if we would. They are, we believe, God's dates, not ours. But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the END of the time of the trouble." Zion's Watch Tower 1894, July 15, page 226.  THIS DID NOT HAPPEN. C.T. Russell is a False Prophet.

Four (4) False Prophecies concerning 1914. What DID take place was the start of W.W.I and so the WT switched gears and ignored all the prophecies of C.T. Russell and concentrated on W.W.I. and said that is what C.T. Russell predicted and that JW’s felt “vindicated and strengthened in their faith in the Bible and Jehovah’s prophetic word but also enhanced their trust that Jehovah was using brother Russell and his friends to explain truth to others.”

At 46:22. C.T. Russell dies in 1916. His and the WT's fascination with Pryamidology rears up near his grave marker which the WT does its best to hide. Here is a good site linking Pryamidology, Occultism and the Jehovah's Witnesses .

Here is a Video showing Russell's grave plus the Pyramid erected by the WT.

At 49:08 Judge Rutherford is appointed to oversee the work.

At 50:07 "The Finished Mystery," a seventh (7th) Volume of Studies in Scriptures is published from C.T. Russell's notes.

My Epilogue. It would seem altogether fitting and proper to include a failed prophecy of the Second President, Judge Rutherford. I blogged here about that failed prophecy which happens to be my favorite of the WT's many.

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