Sunday, November 2, 2008


A   A   A
AC/DC "Highway to Hell" here

Accurate?, Is the NWT here

Accurate knowledge of God and 
                His Son (JW View) here, here

Aid to Bible Understanding here, here, here

Albert Schroeder here

Alexandrian Manuscripts here

Almighty herehere

Alpha and the Omega herehere

Angels herehere

Anointed Class here

Apostates here, here

Appendicitis here

Appendix for What Does the Bible Really Teach here

Approved Association here The Opposite--Bad Association here

Arian Heresy here, here

Arianism herehereherehere

Armageddon Promised 1975 here, here (Stay Alive 'til 75)

Atheist here, here

Avoid Independent Thinking here (Jesus is Jehovah)

Awake! Magazine Issus Per Year here

Awake! March 1973 here 

B   B   B
Bad Association here The Opposite--Approved Association here

Bait & Switch, How & Why the WT Uses It here

Bait & Switch, In Depth Explanation Why Used by JW's here

Baptism, Phrase 3 in Becoming a JW here

Beginning and the End herehere

Beth Sarim here

Bible Scholars on The NWT Selectively Quoted by the WT here

Bible Scholars on NWT here, here

Bible Study Tools at JW.ORG here

Bible Study, Why JW's Study WT Publications and not the Bible here, here

Bible Study, WT Style herehere, here, here

Bible Study, WT Style--Why it is Wrong here, here, here

Biblical Bible Study here

Big Lie, The here

Birthdays herehereherehere

Blog, Ours here, here (Prayer for)

Blood, Advocates for JW Reform on herehere

Blood Transfusions herehereherehereherehere

Born Again, WT here

Bragging here

Branch Davidians here

Byzantine Manuscripts here

C   C   C 
CARM here, here

Cash Cow herehere

Children, WT here

Christendom here

Christian Headlines here

Christ’s Memorial hereherehere, here (Increasing Memorial Partakers), here

Christmas Letter Gospel Part 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017, 201820202023

Christianity here

Christians, God's Chosen Name for His Disciples here

Collection, WT Style here

Coming Quickly herehere

Comma herehere

Commandments, The WT's 10+ here

Communion hereherehere

Conformation Bias see Exegesis/Eisegesis

ontext here

Control, As Used by the WT (Fear, Guilt Trips, Conscience, Double Standards, Mind Control, Obedience) here or here

COVID-19 (JW's Not at your Door but write letters, texts, emails) here

Craig's List here
Craig's List Questions from JW's
     You are Bragging about being a Christian. here
      Did Jesus Pray to Himself? here
      Is any Religion as good/bad as another? here
      Why is there Evil/Suffering in the World? here
      Have JW's changed their Bible to fit their Beliefs? here
     Have you hear of Atwell's Book: Caesar's Messiah? here
     Does God send people to hell? here
      Is Jesus God? here
      Are All Interpretations of Scripture Equally Valid? here

Crisis of Conscious herehere

Cross hereherehere

Cult, WT is a  here (Seven Signs), here (Seven More Signs), here (4 Sure Signs WT is a Cult)

D   D   D
Dead Know Nothing here

ead, Where are They here

Decline in JW Numbers, Facts here

Decline in JW Numbers, Why here

Defending the Trinity Against the WT here

Dershowitz, Alan  here

Diligently here (How Sincere Seekers Are To Search For God)

Demons here

Deja Vu here

Diligently Seek here

Disfellowship or DF'd here, here

Doctrines, Essential (Compare WT Teaching VS Biblical Teaching) here

Donations WT Style here

Door, JW's At Your here, here, here

Door-to-Door here, here

Doublespeak A Linguistic Trick of the WT here

E   E   E
Earthly Hope/Earthly Class herehereherehere, here

1878 False Prophecy here

Ego Eimi here

Eenie, meenie, chili beanie here

Epic Failure (WT believes the KIT shows the NWT to be a superior translation) here, here, here 

Esther here (Glory Story), War in Gaza here 

Essential Doctrines of the WT Compared to the Bible here

Ethiopian, Isaiah 53 (WT Misinterpretation) here

Exegesis/Eisegesis hereherehereherehere, here

F   F   F
Facial Hair here

False Prophet herehereherehere, here

False Prophet Accusation, WT Response here

False Prophet Test here

False Prophecies:       1878 here, here
                                             1914 here
                                             1925 hereherehere--Rutherford's comment on the 1925 prophecy
                                             1975 hereherehere 
                                             Watchtower Teachings herehere

False Prophets and JW's, Ordained by God here

False Religions:  Atheists here, here
                                 Scientology here
                                 Seventh Day Adventist here
                                 WICCA here

Father and Trinity here

Faust, Michael (Author of Article on Jessica Long, Paralympic) here

Fear as used the WT to Maintain Control Over JW's here

Field Service here

Financing the WT here

First and Last herehere

First Created here

Firstborn herehere, here

Franz, Fred here

Franz, Raymond here

Free WT Home Bible Study here

Fritz, Walter here

G   G   G
Gaza War 2023 (Related to Esther) here

Goebbles, Joseph here

George Orwell here

God's Glory compared to Jesus' Glory here

God/Man here

God’s Name here, here, herehere

Gospel of Jesus' Wife here here, here, here, here,here, here (2nd Chance)here (list of sins)
here (Do JW's Have the 1 True Religion), here (Hell Real & Eternal Punishment), here, here (NWT is a Perversion not a Version)

Gospel, Bible here

Gospel of Jesus' Wife here

Gospel Preached by Paul Compared to Gospel of the WT here

Gospel Quiz for JW's  here

Gospel, Watch Tower hereherehere

Governing Body here

Grace to You here (False Prophets are Ordained by God)

Great Multitude here

Greek Scholars commenting on the NWT here

Guiding Principle of the Watch Tower herehere

Guilt Trips as used by the WT to Maintain Control Over JW's here

H   H   H
ha Adon here

Haman & Hamas (Gaza War 2023 & Book of Esther) here

Harvard Divinity School here

HeavenlyHope/EarthlyHope hereherehereherehereherehere

Heaven's Gate here

Hebrew 101 here

Hell, Does God send people to here

Hell, Real Place of Eternal Punishment here, here

Hell, What the WT teaches--What the Bible Teaches here

Hellfire here

Hijacked here (Christian words used by JW's with different meanings: Lying, Son of God, Savior, Jesus, Bible Study, Born Again)

Highway to Hell by AC/DC here

Hitler, Adolph here

Hoare's Dictum A Linguistic Trick of the WT here

Hoekema, Anthony here, here

Holidays herehereherehereherehere

Hollis Professor of Divinity here

Holy Spirit herehere

Holy Spirit, WT Doctrine Compared to the Bible here

Homosexuals here

Honor Jesus Honor Jehovah here

Hubbard, L. Ron "Inventor of Scientology" here

Huckster here

I   I   I
I Am here, here

Immortal Soul here

Insight on the Scriptures here

Internet Access Policy, WT here

Islam herehere

Isolation, As Used by the JW's here or here

J   J   J
Jehovah herehere

Jehovah, History of the Name here, here

Jehovah, Is it God's Name here, here, here, herehere

Jehovah--Opinion of Jewish Theologians and Scholars here

Jehovah--Opinion of Non-Jewish Theologians and Scholars here

Jehovah or Jesus Name Above All Names here

Jehovah's Witnesses herehere

Jehovah's Witness, Become One in 4 Easy Steps here

Jehovah's Witnesses not Christian here

Jehovah’s Witnesses View of Jesus here

Jehovah Witnesses ARE Ordained by God here

Jeopardy herehere, here, here (Final Word)

Jerusalem here

Jesus here 

Jesus' Glory compared to God's Glory here

Jesus, Is He God? here

Jesus is Jehovah herehere, here (You Tube Video)

Jesus of the WT vs Jesus of the Bible here, here

Jesus Seminary here

Jesus' Wife Papyrus here

Jim Jones here (He and 900+ followers committed suicide in Guyana in 1978)

Johnny Walker Red Scotch Whiskey here

Judaism here

Judge Rutherford here

JW here (the Divine Name), here (Increasing Memorial Partakers)

JW Numbers-Up or Down here

JW.ORG here

JW.ORG Bible Study Tools here

JW.ORG Article "Positive comments about The New World Translation from                                            non-Witness Scholars"  here
                   Video "An Ancient Manuscript Supports God's Name" here
                   Video "The Search" a WT Music Video & My Critique here
                   Video "What Happens at a Bible Study?" here 
                   Article "Have JW's Changed the Bible to Fit their Beliefs?
                                    Part 1 here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here, Part 4 here 
                   Article, "Is the NWT Accurate?" Response here   

JW.ORG Online Bible Study
     Lesson 1.1 About the Bible - Can the Bible Help You? here
     Lesson 1.2 Who is God, the Creator? here
     Lesson 2.1 Who is Jesus? here
     Lesson 2.1 Who is Jesus? Want More on the Subject? here
     Lesson 2.2 Who are the Angels? here
     Lesson 2.3 Why did God Create Humans? here
     Lesson 3.1 Why do Suffering and Evil Exist? here
     Lesson 3.2 and 3.3 How does God Save Us From Death and
                                            How will God End Suffering and Evil here
     See "W" for Critiques of  various Watch Tower Publications, Videos, etc.

JW's at Your Door  here, herehere, here, here

K   K   K
KAFTA TRAP A Linguistic Trick of the WT here

Karen King (Professor of New Testament & History of Ancient Christianity at the Harvard Divinity School--First woman appointed as the Hollis Professor of Divinity, Member of the Anti-Jesus "Jesus Seminary") here, here

Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures (KIT) here,here,here,here,here,here,here,here (Are You a Sincere Seeker),here,

Kingdom of God, WT doctrine compared to the Bible here

King James Bible here

KIT (1969) free download here

KIT, (Why Altered at JW.ORG) here(What & Why has 75% of '69 KIT been deleted from the '85 KIT which is at JW.ORG) here 

Kookie-madookie here (Derogatory Term to Describe the WT's Doctrine only 144,000 Go To Heaven)

L      L      L
Laziness here (Character Flaw Shared By All JW's)

Legalism here, here

Let Got Be True 2nd Ed. here

Life Lessons Source for my blog "Nine (9) Linguistics Tricks of the WT"

LIE here (Used by WT to Malign Trinity)

Lying here (Theocratic War Strategy)

Little Flock here, hereherehere

Linguistic Tricks of the WT here

Long, Jessica (Paralympican) here

Lord, the [true] here

Love Bombing, As Used by the JW's here

Luther, Martin here

Lying herehere

M   M   M
Masoretes here

Mein Kampf here

Memorial of Jesus' Death here, here, here, here

Metzger, Bruce M. here

Michael the Archangel here, here, here, here (Is Michbael Jesus?)

Millions Now Living Will Never Die, here, here (Free PDF Download)

Miracle Wheat here

Modalism here

Monastery of St. Catherine here

Monotheism (JW Teachings VS Biblical Teaching) here, here

Mormonism herehere

Mordecai (Related to Book of Esther & War in Gaza 2023) here

N   N   N
1914 False Prophecy here, here

1925 False Prophecy here, here

1975 False Prophecy here

1984, Book by George Orwell here

Nails, Number of in Jesus hands hereherehere

Name Above All Names--Jehovah or Jesus here

New Light here

New World Translation, Positive Comments Examined in Depth here

New World Translation herehere, here

New World Translation is a Perversion, not a Version here

New World Translation Reference Bible here (Jesus is Jehovah)

O   O   O
On the Spot Fallacy A Linguistic Trick of the WT here

144,000 herehereherehere, here, here, here (Increasing Memorial Partakers) here  

Organized Religion here

Other Sheep hereherehereherehere

P   P   P
Papyrus 66 and 75 (John 14:14) here

Papyrus 4 Fouad 266 Collection (Tetagrammaton in NT) here

Paradise Earth here (See Truth #2--Why JW's are Working Hard)

Paraolympics (story on US swimmer Jessica Long) here

Paradise Restored here

Particalism here

Paul's (Bible) Gospel Compared to the WT's Gospel here

Pedophilla here, herehere

PEW Research here

Photoshopping WT Docs, Accusation here

Plural Oneness here

Portland, OR here

Pray, Did Jesus Pray to Himself here

Prayer for this Blog here

Praying to Jesus here, here, here

Preeminent here

Proof by Verbosity/Intimidation A Linguistic Trick of the WT here 

Pronouncing the Divine Name here

Prophecies, WT     1878 here, here
                                     1914 here, here
                                     1925 here, here
                                     1975 herehere, here

Psychological Techniques Used by JW's to Recruit here

Q   Q   Q
Quiz--Do You Believe God or Man? here

Quiz, Gospel for JW's here

R   R   R
Ransom Sacrifice of Christ Part of WT Gospel Compared to Paul's Gospel here

Raymond Franz here

Raymundus Martini here

Read the Bible herehere

Re-Defining Words A Linguistic Trick of the WT here

Religion, Is One as Good as Another here

Remembering Christ's Sacrifice here

Reprobate Mind (here)

Resurrection, Bodily (JW Doctrine VS Bible Doctrine) here

Resurrection hereherehere

Reverse Engineering here

Roterham, J.B. Emphazied Bible here

Russell herehereherehere

Rutherford, Judge here

S   S   S
Sabbath Day here

Salvation, WT here

Salvation, WT vs Bible here, here

Scientology here,  here

Searching for Truth--According to (1) The WT OR (2) The Bible?here

Second Chance at Salvation after Death here (Got Questions), here (my Blog)

Seek, Bible definition of  here

Seventh-Day Adventism herehere

Silent Lambs here, here

Sin List here (Got Questions)

Slave, WT here

Social Identification Pressure here

Son and Trinity here

Son of God here

Soteriology, JW here

Soul here

Soul Compared to Body, Mind, Spirit here

Spirit Creatures herehere

Stay Alive ‘til 75 here

Straw Man Fallacy here (Used by WT to Malign Trinity)

Stein, Alexandra, Explains How the WT Controls JW's here

Studies in Scriptures herehere

T   T   T
Taking in Knowledge here, here

Telly Awards here

Temple of God, Location here

Territory Cards here

Testimonies Mine, My Wife

Tetragrammaton herehere

Textual Witness here

Textus Receptus here

Thetans role in Scientology here

Theocratic War Strategy here, here

Think-Speak here

Thomas, Gospel of here

Thought Terminating Cliche A Linguistic Trick of the WT here

Tichendorf, Constantin von here

Torture Stake herehere

Toyota (Superbowl Ad 2021 featuring Jessica Long Paralympic) here

Tracks, Religious here

Translating the Bible here

Transliteration here

Trinity herehereherehere, here, here, here (WT use of Straw Man Fallacy to Malign), here (Explained; Demonstrated in God, Resurrection, Prayer, Creation, Redemption; Defended Against WT), (WT Explanation VS Biblical Teaching), here

True Confessions here
Truth that leads to Eternal Life here, here 

Truth, Searching for--According to (1) The WT OR (2) The Bible?here

Truth, The here (Name JW's Give to their Religion)

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus here

U   U   U
"Under the Sun" Explained here

V   V   V
Vaccinations here

Veritas (means truth--this is a book about A Harvard Professor, a Con Man and the Gospel of Jesus's Wife) here here

Verbal Slight of Hand, Watch Tower Style here

Visual Learners Blog here

Voltaire here

W   W   W
Walmart here, here

Watch Tower Bible Study hereherehere

Watch Tower is a Cult here (Seven Signs)here (Seven More Signs), here (4 Sure Signs WT is a Cult)

Watch Tower Essential Doctrines Compared to the Bible here

Watch Tower Gospel Compared to Paul's (Bible) Gospel here

Watch Tower's Guiding Principle here

Watch Tower Publications, Why JW's study them and not the Bible herehere

Watch Tower Definitions (all the below found here)
          Bible Study
          Born Again 
          Son of God

Watch Tower Publications and Videos (See "JW.ORG" for more information)
          Good News from God! Part 1 of  5 is herehere
          I Had More Questions Than Answers (A WT Video) here
           Insight on the Scriptures here
          Is Your Religion the True One (Article in WT 7-1-68) here 
          Kingdom Ministry 1999, Use of the Internet here
          Magazine, Watch Tower, April 1, 1972 (Claims JW's are Prophets) here
          Millions Now Living Will Never Die herehere (Free PDF Download)
          Let God Be True 2nd Ed. here
          Paradise Restored here 
          Reasoning from the Scriptures here
          The Search! A WT Music Video & My Critique here
          Truth the Leads to Eternal Life here, here
          What Can the Bible Teach Us? Part 1 of 4 is here, here, here
          What Does the Bible Really Teach? Part 1 of 25 is here, here
          Working Hard for the Reward of Eternal Life here
          What Happens at a Bible Study? A WT Video here     
          You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth here
          You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth--But How? here
Watch Tower Public Edition Issues/Pages Per Year here

Watch Tower Numbers-Up or Down here

Watch Tower Anti-Trinity Arguments Exposed here

Watch Tower False Doctrine: Jesus is Micahel the Archangel Exposed here

WayBack Machine here

Weasel Words A Linguistic Trick of the WT here

Westcott and Hort here

Why is there Evil/Suffering in the World here

Why it is Wise to Examine your Religion here

WICCA here

Wikipedia here

Wordly here

Worldly People here

Working Hard, Why JW's Are here (See Truth #2)

WT Quotes herehere

X   X   X
Xenu, Scientology's fearless leader here

Xerxes, King (Book of Esther & War in Gaza 2023) here

Y   Y   Y
Yahweh or Jehovah here (Video), here

YHWH  herehere

Yod He Waw He here (Hebrew Pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton)

Yogi Berra here

Z   Z   Z

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