Monday, July 1, 2019

JW.ORG's Online Bible Study Lesson 2.2 "Who are the Angels?"

I decided to take the WT up on their offer at JW.ORG and go through their short lessons to “Learn what the Bible teaches.” WT speak is in RED, my comments are in BLACK, anything else is in BLUE. I logged in to JW.ORG, and under "Online Bible Study Lessons" I clicked on "Get Started" or it may say "Pick a Lesson Now," OR for Bible Study Lesson 2.2 simply click here.

Before you begin reading, I strongly suggest you have, at the ready, the WT’s Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures. You can download a free PDF copy here.

In Lesson 2.2 the WT is giving a quick overview of Angels and I have no major problem with this Lesson. I would like to make two points concerning Lesson 2.2. (1) The WT states that Angels have communicated with them concerning doctrine, and what is published in their books and magazines. Go here and here for more information on this subject. (2) As you may have noticed, not everything the WT publishes is wrong. However, on major doctrine, doctrine  that must be correct for the believer to be on the narrow path to heaven the WT is WRONG. Their doctrine, if believed on several major points, will forever damn the believer to hell. See my blog, "Why the WT is not Christian" here.

A great technique to get someone to buy a lie is to place the lie after or in the middle of a bunch of truths. As a person reads statement after statement which are true, they are less likely to think a certain statement is false especially if the statement concerns something which they have not formed an opinion on. For example, years ago I was reading the WT book, The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life. I was sailing through the pages, true statement after true statement when this statement occurred, “Jesus, God’s first and greatest creation.” The book then went on to more true statements. A Biblically ignorant person may have accepted the BIG LIE about Jesus because it was inserted in-between many true statements. Thus, one needs to be ever vigilant to the WT slipping in the BIG LIE with a number of truths.

All WT beliefs and practices are not anti-Bible or anti-Christian. However, the BIG LIE above about Jesus being created is lie enough that you are believing in a false Christ and on the wide road to destruction. If everything the WT believes and practices is in contradiction to the Bible, how many would be ensnared by its lies? Even the devil masquerades as an angel of light.

The next Lesson 2.3 is here.

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