Thursday, April 25, 2024

"The Search." A WT Music Video and My Critique

The video is here at JW.ORG. It is labeled as an “Original Song.” 

This is the JW synopsis of the song: “Those who sincerely want to know God can do so if they make the effort to search for him.”

My Comments are in BLUE.

The Song
The Video
We heard the words ‘seek and you’ll    
The very priceless pearl of truth.
It was a sea of doubts and questions 
     to God
That the search would take us 

As the video starts we see a young couple appearing to be “diligently searching for God.” One notable scene shows them in a Christian church with a Priest at the pulpit. The camera is very deliberate in showing a CLOSED Bible on the pulpit and a CLOSED Bible in the hands of a parishioner.

The WT, by showing closed Bibles in churches, is suggesting that these churches are NOT TEACHING Bible Truth

But we carried on with our sails unfurled.
Like merchants on a quest, we knew that truth was out there.
The searchthe search for the key
To answer all the things,
Things that we fight to understand:
The origin of man, wondering why we need God’s Kingdom soon to come.
Searching hard to find.

At 1:07 The young couple appears to be praying to God for answers when an older JW couple ring their doorbell. The JW’s offer the young couple a WT publication, “Was Life Created?”

The WT is putting forth the idea that God answered this couple’s prayer by sending the older JW couple to their door at precisely the right time.

We had never known God had a name.
Jehovah is the one to call on.
When we were shown, we found a piece
Of what we were searching for.

At 1’31” the older couple returns. They start by showing the young couple, (from the WT’s New World Translation) that God’s name is Jehovah.
If you believe that God’s personal name is Jehovah—watch my video, “Does God Have a Name?” which is here.

And we carried on with our sails unfurled,
Finding truths about where we came from and where we’re heading.
The searchthe search for the key
That answered all the things,
Things that we fought to understand:
The origin of man, a paradise that’s promised in God’s Kingdom soon to come.
Search and you will find.

At 1’55” our young couple are now in a “Bible Study” with the older couple. But they are NOT studying from a Bible, they are reading a WT booklet, “What does the Bible Really Teach? (WDTBRT)” and will study it from cover to cover. See my blog “What is wrong with studying the Bible the Watch Tower Way? Part 1 is here. I have also critiqued the WDTBRT booklet chapter by chapter, Chapter 1 is here.


At 2’15” the young man continues to read the WDTBRT booklet while waiting for the subway—NO BIBLE.


At 2’22” the wife reads the same book while making dinner. Note, she is using the Bible as a reference book, not as her main study book.


At 2’26” the man is reading WDTBRT during his lunch break at work—NO BIBLE.


At 2’32” both husband and wife are studying the WDTBRT book at dinner—NO BIBLE.


At 2’38” the couple has come to the page entitled “Symbolizing Your Dedication By Getting Baptized” page 181 in WDTBRT.

NOTE: Every time the couple is “studying the Bible” they are actually reading a WT publication.

Now we can never hold back when others are searching
For the priceless pearl of truth,
Sailing a sea of unanswered questions.
So we help them to get through,
And we share what we’ve discovered.

At 2’44” The young husband is now going door-to-door spreading “The Truth.”

At 3’02” the young wife is talking with people she meets about "The Truth."

At 3’15"’ the young couple are baptized.

All the way from beginning their search for God and truth to Baptism in just 181 pages of WT material and no need to crack open a Bible. In fact, the WT discourages JW’s in using their Bible. See my blog “Why do you see JW’s studying their WT magazines and rarely the Bible” here and here.”

The searchthe search for the key
To answer all the things,
Things that they fight to understand:
The origin of man, living forever in God’s Kingdom soon to come. Search and you will find.

The video ends with the young couple now going door-to-door and ringing the door bell of a young man who is praying to God for answers to his questions.

RECAP of the WT's The Search. A person "to know God can do so if they make the effort to search for him." What effort did the young couple make?  (1) They answered their door when JW's came-a-knocking. (2) They read a WT booklet, "Was Life Created?" (3) They read another WT booklet, WDTBRT. The video shows scene after scene of the young couple reading a WT booklet but it never shows the young couple doing any kind of research or checking to determine that what they are reading is actually taught in the Bible. They are satisfied that information in the WT booklet has been thoroughly checked with the Bible and is truthful and accurate. A fatal spiritual error! Hebrews 11:6 states that the "seeking" must be done earnestly, seriously, industriously and PERSONALLY. This is a far cry from what this young couple has engaged in. They accepted the book (WDTBRT), read the book and believed the book without personally investigating (compare the WT book with the Bible and especially with the KIT) the truthfulness of what they were reading. 

A JW might say, "when you read the WDTBRT you look up the verses given in the text to verify what was written agrees with the Bible." However, the WT limits the verses checked with those verses that agree with their doctrine. Verses that disagree with their doctrine are never cited. Also, before reading the verse the WT tells the reader what the verse means. The reader is never allowed to read the verse in context, to get the correct meaning. A truism states, "a verse taken out of context is a pretext to teach anything and everything." See my blog on the importance of context here.

In 1968, the WT gave some great advice: "We need to examine, not only what we personally believe, but also what is taught by any religious organization with which we may be associated. Are its teachings in full harmony with God’s Word, or are they based on the traditions of men? If we are lovers of the truth, there is nothing to fear from such an examination.” —The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 1968, p. 13. I have blogged about this WT book here

I have talked to JW's about the above quote and they have said that it is meant for non-JW's. JW's already have "The Truth" and do not need to examine their religion.

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