Wednesday, February 1, 2023


For life and especially for this blog I make it a rule to refrain from vulgar language. No rude, risque, indecent, indelicate, coarse, crude, off-color, obscene, profane, lewd, salacious, smutty, suggestive, dirty, filthy--well you get the idea. However, for this blog I will make an EXCEPTION. Don't worry, I won't spring "the exception" on you without adequate warning.

First, some background information to set "the word" in its proper context.

This blog centers around the WT's 1925 prophecy  (which I blogged about here) made by Judge  Rutherford, the then 2nd President of the WTBTS, in a book entitled, Millions Now Living Will Never Die! and the comments he made when it became evident his Prophecy was not going to  be fulfilled. The Millions book can be downloaded here.

The April 1, 1972 Watchtower Magazine declared that the WTBTS was God's prophet in 1925. See "The Answer Part 2" below.

Throw into this mix, a few WT quotations about identifying a false prophet and once identified, how should they be treated.

"False prophets will try to hide their reason for feeling shame by denying who they really are." Paradise Restored to Mankind by Theocracy, 1972, Pages 353-354.

"To know whether one is a true or a false prophet. If he is a true prophet, his message will come to pass exactly as prophesied. If he is a false prophet, his prophecy will fail to come to pass." (The Watchtower May 15, 1930, Page 154.)

"This is an important point in studying prophecy, and the student must keep it in mind. The test was provided by Jehovah, and to such a test all the prophecies must be subjected. If these prophecies have not been fulfilled, and if all possibility of fulfillment is past, then these prophets are proven false." (Prophecy, Page 22).

"Their prophecies did not come true. Therefore, they are false prophets; and the people should no longer trust them as safe guides," The Watchtower, May 15, 1930 page 156.


Judge "the Author/Prophet" Rutherford was quoted in the October 1, 1984 Watchtower Magazine page 24. The article was a glowing report about the outstanding character of Judge Rutherford. The author, in a footnote recalled how Judge Rutherford, reflecting on the 1925 prophecy declared, "I made an ASS of myself." Of course, being an ASS is not nearly as horrendous, frightful or appalling as being a FALSE PROPHET, which Judge Rutherford and the WTBTS, most assuredly WAS and IS.

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