Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Answer for non-Christians. JW’s are at your door to make you a slave to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, the governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. (See my blog on "What is a WT Slave" here). They want you to become a door-knocking, purchaser and peddler of WT publications. They will have you forsake your friends and family and replace them with other JW’s. They are at your door to start a JW “Bible Study.” If you agree to this “Study,” you will read WT publications from cover to cover and become well versed in WT doctrine—not Biblical doctrine. You will use your Bible as a reference book only. My advice to you is to skip to points 1-3 and do whatever it takes to stop JW's from coming to your house.

Answer for a Christian. You are commanded by Jesus to: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19) With JW’s you do not have to “go” anywhere, you just have to be at home—JW’s will come to you. You need to be ready for the visit. Until you are ready for this inevitable encounter you should skip to #4. For a suggested Christian response to JW's' at your door see #5.

1. You can place A “NO VISITS BY JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES” sign on your front door. Most Jehovah’s Witnesses DO respect this kind of sticker and will not visit when it is posted in a visible place on your property.

2. You can call your local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses (the building where JW’s meet is called a Kingdom Hall not a church) listed in your phone book and ask that your name be removed from their list. There is no guarantee they will do this, but it is worth a try.

3.    Don’t answer the door. This will not stop future visits but it is preferable to opening the door and engaging a JW who is trained for just such an encounter while you are not. The JW is trained to counter your arguments, trained to use their altered Bible to impress you with “only JW’s follow the Bible,” trained to ensnare you in the same false religious cult that they are ensnared in.

4.  For Christians Only. You can respectfully tell the next group of Jehovah’s Witnesses who visit your door that you do not want to be visited by them because you have studied their religion enough to know it is not the truth. When you do this, be sure to hand them a tract exposing the WT as a false religious system. Jehovah’s Witnesses are AFRAID of any literature that exposes any of the errors of their religion, so when they see that you have this kind of literature on-hand, ready to give to them when they come to your door, they may be too afraid to visit again. They are to view this type of literature as pornography and probably will not accept your tract.

  5.  My Blog, When a Jehovah's Witness Comes A-Knocking, which is here, gives a good Christian response to a JW at your door using John 5:1-24.

   I can send you some literature (free) to hand to JW’s or you can purchase some tracts online or you may find some at a local Christian bookstore.

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