Sunday, September 1, 2019

JW.ORG's Online Bible Study Lesson 3.1 "Why do Suffering and Evil Exist?"

I decided to take the WT up on their offer at JW.ORG and go through their short lessons to “Learn what the Bible teaches.” WT speak is in RED, my comments are in BLACK, anything else is in BLUE. I logged in to JW.ORG, and under "Online Bible Study Lessons" I clicked on "Get Started" or it may say "Pick a Lesson Now," OR for Bible Study Lesson 1.1 simply click here.

Before you begin reading, I strongly suggest you have, at the ready, the WT’s Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures. You can download a free PDF copy here.

In Lesson 3.1 I sailed through the first few slides with no major objections. Until I came to the slide asking a multiple-choice question, "What eventually happened to Adam after he disobeyed God?" The WT answer (He ceased to exist) goes along with their doctrine known as "soul sleep." Here the WT does their usual, only quote verses that promote their doctrine and ignore verses that contradict their doctrine. If all the verses, concerning "what happens to the soul upon death" are taken into account, one does not arrive at the doctrine of "soul sleep." I have blogged about this here.

Back to Lesson 3.1 Section 2--no major objections. When I finished the lesson I was given the option of getting more information on a number of topics. I decided to look into (1) "What is the Condition of the Dead?" and (2) "What is the soul?" Both of these I answered in my blog here. If you read the blog you will see that WT doctrine and Biblical doctrine are not the same.

One final question poised by the WT, "What is hell?" Once again I went to Got Questions which answers these similar questions, "Is hell real? Is hell eternal?" here.

The next Lesson 3.2 and 3.3 is here.

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