Tuesday, September 1, 2015

WHAT DOES THE BIBLE Really TEACH? A WT book--Chap 9 "Are we living in the last Days"

DISCLAIMER--I will, by no means, exhaustively write about each and every error in each and every chapter of this book—that would require a book several times the size of this WT book. I will pick out a topic or two from each chapter to write about. Some will be a “mole hill” in the landscape of Bible doctrine and others will be a “Mt. Everest.”

Chapter 9 “Are We Living in “the Last Days?” I flew through Chapter 9 and didn’t see anything particularly troubling or irritating. I read through it a second time and noticed the drawings which brought back a memory from 1982. This particular memory is a bit embarrassing for the WT.

The story starts in June, 1981 with a Johnnie Walker Red scotch whiskey ad.

The story took a weird turn on September 15, 1982 when this WT was published.

Johnnie Walker complained, citing copyright infringement. The WT then came out with a revised cover for Late Foreign Editions and In-Bound Volumes of the WT.
What Does the Bible Really Teach--A WT Book Chap. 10 part 1   is here.

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