Tuesday, September 1, 2020


In Part 3, I will look at some of the BIG LIES the WT has planted in their pamphlet, Good News From God (GNFG). The WT has masked their lies around a lot of statements that are Biblically correct. A Biblical neophyte could swallow the BIG LIE as he nods his head in agreement with all the true statements. I will not address every lie in this publication, that would take a book the size of the WT's Aid to Bible Understanding (1,696 pages). WT quotes are in BLUE

BIG LIE #1 page 4 under the heading, "3. Does God Have a Name?" This is also restated at the top of page 21, "Jesus' true followers honor God's name, Jehovah". Here the WT goes into their usual argument that God's name is Jehovah. I blogged  extensively about this here (What Does the Bible Really Teach? A WT book—Chapter 1, "What is the Truth About God"). The WT states that using God's name is of the UTMOST importance (WDTBRT page 195.) The WT also admits that Yahweh is the more correct pronunciation (KIT page 23 and the Aid book page 882.) Apparently using God's name is not that important since the WT knows the correct pronunciation but chooses not to use it.

The Hebrew language has no hard "J" sound. Thus, if a JW could hop  into a WayBack machine and end up in the time of David or Daniel or Jeremiah, etc. and ask one of them, 'let's go worship Jehovah," the ancient Israelites would have no idea who they were talking about. Jehovah is a name made up by a Catholic monk in the 1200's when he took the consonants from Yahweh and combined them with the vowels from the word ADONI and then anglicized it with a hard "J", thus Jehovah. It was not widely used until the 1400's.

BIG LIE #2 page 8 under the heading, "1. How did Jesus' life begin?" The WT Lie, "He (Jesus) was God's first creation, and helped in the creation of all other things." I dedicated an entire blog here to dissecting the WT exegesis of Colossians 1:15 which states that Jesus is firstborn. The JW's say firstborn = first created. It does not! There is a Greek word for first created which Paul did not use. Paul used firstborn (Prototokos) which the Bible itself defines as the Preeminent One, the ruler, the head, the creator over all creation. He was not first created (Protóplastos).

BIG LIE #3. In the same sentence as BIG LIE #2, the WT states that Jesus, "helped in the creation of all other things." The verse they cannibalize is from Colossians 1:16-17. I have also blogged about this here. The word OTHER IS NOT IN THE GREEK. The verse states that Jesus "created ALL THINGS." Hebrews 3:4 simply states, "For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God."

BIG LIE #4 page 9 under the heading, "5. What is Jesus doing now?The WT states, "After Jesus died, God restored him to life as a spirit person.I have blogged about this topic here. You might recall that Jesus appeared to a number of people after his death. Here is a great article on who saw Jesus after his resurrection. My favorite is Jesus' own personal testimony that He was raised from the dead. "I am the Living One, I was dead, and behold I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades" (Revelation 1:18) Also  at Luke 24:39 Jesus' said, "See My hands and My feet, that I am He. Touch Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see Me having."

BIG LIE #5 is a picture of Jesus on the 'torture stake' as seen on page 9. I have blogged about this here and here. The WT has conveniently cropped the picture so the non-JW does not see Jesus' hands held to the stake with ONE nail--the BIG LIE. John 20:25 states in part, "Unless I (Thomas) see in His hands the imprint of the NAILS." Bible says NAILS, WT says nail. Who do you believe? Granted, this is a minor point but one that the Bible is crystal clear about--NAILS not nail. The point--if the WT cannot get the number of nails in Jesus' hands correct, in light of John 20:25, how can you trust them to get the deeper things of God correct, Redemption, Salvation, End Times, etc. If your accountant adds 2 + 2 and gets 5, are you going to trust them to do your complicated Income Taxes.

Part 4, more lies in this WT publication is here.

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