Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Multiple-choice question for JW’s. Part 2-The Answer!

CHOICE C: THE WATCHTOWER MAGAZINE said, “Do not study your Bible, for if you do, you will be in darkness in two years.”

The JW’s show they believe this even today, because a JW “Bible Study” is not a Bible study at all. What book of the Bible, from first verse to last verse, did you study when you first became a JW? In a JW “Bible Study” what book are they reading from first page to last? 

They are studying a WT book from cover to cover and using their Bible as a reference book--looking up a verse or maybe even part of a verse from time to time. Note, the WTBTS says (See Multiple-choice question for JW’s. Part 1) that you don’t even need your Bible for this kind of study. But I believe they have the potential convert use their Bible to give them the false idea that they are indeed studying the Bible—when in fact they are just studying a WT publication. 

The JW’s do not want you to study the Bible alone, for if you do you will not believe their doctrines—you will believe the doctrines of the Bible.

A JW’s response to this question. “With regards to Charles Taze Russell (the quotation under choice “C”); I think he died long ago. So it’s not like we can ask him what exactly he meant, whether this or that. Sometimes people even change their mind over the years, or provide clarification. A dead person is left pretty helpless to any debates about what he meant or what he didn’t mean. Even the written word, can be misunderstood quite easily. I mean, look at all the legal documents/wills; which words are debated; and an outside judge might have to decide. How many times have judges miss judged. So the debate, died with Mr. Russell.”

“About Mr. Russell’s reference works; I personally don’t know any Witness of Jehovah God who has studied any of his works. Have not even seen the reference work you make reference to. So any debate on that, is dead too. I can’t respond.”

Here is Part 3 "My Response."

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